Yeah the dash effects where pretty hard to get em just right.
Unknown DoooD
The Revolution approaches. Our arrival is unavoidable. Expect us.
Thanks. Wish veb would post his thoughts on it...
Unknown DoooD
The Revolution approaches. Our arrival is unavoidable. Expect us.
Originally Posted by AaronSasori View Post
Sorry to sound like an ass but.

Again, this is NOT a fuckin pivot.
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Originally Posted by AaronSasori View Post
Sorry to sound like an ass but.

Sorry to sound like an ass but, this isnt a pivot nub. lol gtfo
Unknown DoooD
The Revolution approaches. Our arrival is unavoidable. Expect us.
Lol, pwned? Oh that animation was good sickbear, but like try making the spike appear more b4 he hits the wall, it looks like it kinda just appears out of no where.
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