hahah, i also forgot to mention another clan that I liked for a time. I liked a clan called Kira, that changed their name, twice, forget what they changed to, but they were like in top ten for a good time, and they were really chill with me, a long long time ago. XD
From my own experience;

Dead clan, but it was the closest to an actual group of friends I ever felt in a clan tbh. It was a very fun experience, very good memories, made some good friends there. Fun times.

Either my first or second clan, worked very much like Bleu, as it was more of a training clan for new players who were then sent off to find their own clan. Nevertheless, I enjoyed being there, even tho at the time my computer was near death and I ever only got to play tb for a few minutes, I still had a lot of fun. The leader comes back occasionally, always exchange a few pms with him before he goes inactive again.

I probably regret leaving this clan the most. TLL was great, when I joined I already knew a few people and got to know even more while I was there. I still talk to pretty much everyone I met there. Real fun bunch.

My current clan, and def one of my favorites. I met these guys back in TLL since Fear convinced me to play PK showdown again. I met Pidda, Kazu and Slau, had a lot of fun with them. Spawned one of the greatest PK showdown matches ever known to man. After some time I decided to join Frost and it's been fun ever since. Got to know pretty much everybody in the clan, and enjoy talking to them on the daily.
Never really knew much about TLL or Laweden. Even Tea to that matter. I know Frost. Anyways, it's nice to see there are plenty of great clans out there. It's something I as a former clan leader like to here. Even my old clan, Cursed, was mentioned here. Makes me happy. Teheheh. Thanks for the nice response Gargon. Nice to hear about clans I didn't get to know.
Addicted was a pretty fun clan to be around. Met a lot of fun people and really got into the game and community when I was in the clan. I still appreciate JtanK paying for my namechange to Wizard rofl. Addicted was also basically how I got introduced to staff/GM and being able to get a chance at it, since the polish trio were mainly in control of GM along side Stellar, and they were mainly the people I was talking and hanging out with.

The clan I made, [im] was a really fun time. Started it with OmegaAlt, but he drifted off from the game. Once he left, I met Nugget and Color at around the same time, and they became two of my better friends here, which is neat.

Finally Parrot is generally awesome. Lot of great personalities, skill, etc. Just a great place to be around.
Last edited by wizard; May 12, 2017 at 04:03 AM.


Originally Posted by Gargon View Post

Dead clan, but it was the closest to an actual group of friends I ever felt in a clan tbh. It was a very fun experience, very good memories, made some good friends there. Fun times.

Biased but tea as well, we were all pretty good friends. i miss all of ya.
Armadon from way back in the day. TimMartin (now Tim), DropKick, Chris, Pizzabash and a couple of other cool people. I remember invading the local HooDZ server and having sudden clan wars. The shit talking was crazy. Fun stuff.
Tint was hella tight. Miss my boy Alejandro. Shoutout to Hushpuppy. C3 was pretty great, Enigma was very cool. Still talk to Facade to this day. Inquisition will be my grave clan. Lots of fun people though.
Special place in my heart for the boys over in what was TGS. Planning on meeting up with Orko, Thiggist and Internet this July.
Last edited by Aracoon; May 14, 2017 at 10:05 AM.
Tint, Raid were fun while they lasted. And the one and only Evil, just past the 10 year anniversary <3
clans ive been in*
Godly was pretty cool the first couple weeks it was around then it got really toxic, i really enjoyed being in reaper for a few months before it died. Origin was really up there imo, the members of anbu were chill af but it only lasted like 2-3 weeks before everyone left it.

my first clan was cmonster but i dont remember much about what happened only that i really enjoyed it
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
(meow): this clan was pretty cool we would always chill on skype and trade rare leg pics mused and laithoon were cool emilsss was also there everytime after waking up in the morning i would tell him how much i love him but now he got a namechange to sasuke and he said he hated me while i was playing racecars and it really hurt me
meow was good yea but then everyone started hating cats and it really sucked fuck you guys what the hel

(tll(: tll is the best clan ive ever been we've died like 3 times already because of unloyal members and league of legends and also clan battle royale i remember meeting fear in an abd room he was pretty chill and he invited to me to irc and i was like hell yeah mane so i joined and we had rough anal sex and then cats joined and we stole arctic from that piece of shit clan called hidders and everyone started joining it was really cool until fear and i started playing league and everyone left arctic joined hidden and cats followed him for some reason even though she doesn't speak brazalien what an idiot right
they left hidden and rejoined tll so we could win clan beatle royale but we got fucked by parrot in that clunky ass mod taekkyon so now we're unofficial but we stole (fdoctor)s members and we're rising again if you wanna join The Last Legion™ just apply here: thank you

[no): i barely now any of their members but they're really funny everytime im feeling down i just search their clan board and i say kek! out loud because of how funny they are i actually wanted to join before meeting fear but i knew it was impossible so i got depressed and cried every night in my sleep
Back when there was no official clan board and no real clan system, and we weren't made to change our clan name to get official status.

No "legendary" status or pretentiousness involved, it was just for fun.
potential clan members had to have a username of a sexual nature, was funny.
10 years later and we still keep in touch.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-